Sunday, December 27, 2015

Blackeyed Peas and Ham for New Year's Luck

Blackeyed Peas and Ham

This family tradition started in 1979. As the story goes, the more black-eyed peas you eat on New Year's day, the better your luck for the coming year. I've made a few changes to the original recipe and my family seems to like them. I like to cook a spiral cut glazed ham for Christmas dinner and use the leftover meat and bone when making blackeyed peas for New Year's Day. The glazed ham gives this dish a special sweet flavor. Enjoy!! and best wishes for the New Year!!

16 oz. pkg. dried blackeyed peas
8 cups water
1 medium onion, chopped
1 medium green bell pepper
16 oz. cut stewed tomatoes, undrained
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 Tbsp. worchestershire sauce
pepper to taste
1 meaty ham bone (leftover from Christmas, or buy from Honeybaked Ham for $7)

Sort and wash peas in a colander under cold running water. Soak peas overnight with 6 cups of water in a heavy saucepan (or quick cook by bringing water and peas to a boil, turn off the heat and let stand covered for 1 hour). Add remaining ingredients (sometimes I sauted the bell pepper and onions until softened before adding). Cover and simmer all day or until peas are tender. Remove ham bone after about 2-3 hours. Return any meat to the pot. Add water as needed if mixture gets too thick.

Makes approximately 8 cups of "Good Luck" for the New Year.

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